Internet Explorer Bashing

The first development job I had was working for BYU’s Independent Study program converting lessons into website material. The bane our existence was Internet Explorer. Anybody who has developed javascript a few years ago knows that every version of IE had a different engine. The css is also rendered different for each version of IE. We would have to find ways adjust for each version of IE. Below are several comics I have seen and collected over the years bashing internet explorer – hence the titleĀ Internet Explorer Bashing.

If each browser had a cartoon representing its awesomeness.

If a cartoon character had to represent each browser - ie would be a brain dead monkey

Be the designated friend who doesn’t allow his or her friends to use IE

ie warning signs

Almost as bad as being picked last for a sports game.

no party for ie8

This rings so true!

slow response internet explorer bashing

This one is probably my favorite – reminds me of Ralph fromĀ The Simpsons

Internet Explorer eats glue

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