WordPress With Multiple Subdomains


I recently edited my WordPress to give me subdomains so that I can keep various different blogs. Example my main site is www.zaphinath.com and I want to add a another blog called einblick.zaphinath.com. This is easy enough to do and I will show you how, the thing that got me however was how do you add themes and plugins through WordPress after this is set up. This feature seemed to disappear, but in reality it just moved. With this in mind lets start and get a multi-site wordpress started.

Step 1: Edit wp-config.php file

Open the file in your WordPress directory called wp-config.php and add this line near the bottom.

// Add this line for multi-site option
define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);
/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */
if ( !defined(‘ABSPATH’) )
define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’);

Step 2: Access Tools >> Network

You need to change the Network settings so that you can have proper subdomains created through WordPress. Just go to Tools -> Network and select the type you want.

After you save changes you may be required by WordPress to make some changes. E.G. I had to make my DNS have a wild card in it because the subdomains are now being made by WordPress.

Step 3: Making Edits to all WordPress blogs

Now you have a separate admin for each blog you have and you can create as many different blogs as you wish. However, if you want to add a theme or plugin you will need to go to a separate network admin page that allows you to install plugins that can be used by each blog. Just go to http://www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin/network/. After you search and install plugins, widgits, themes, and etc you will need to access each individual blog’s admin page to activate them.

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